Life is Easy You Are Just Difficult

Life Is EASY - Your Resistance Is What Is Making It Difficult!

Expert Author Patricia Anaya

You LIVE your life when you are happy and happiness is your natural state of being.

What is the purpose of life? The purpose of OUR life is to be happy, to have fun with everything we do and have. When we realize this, we start to look for things that we really enjoy and add some fun to the things we "need" to do every day.

How many times a day do you think, "Life is hard", "Life is complicated", "Life is not easy"? This kind of expression only reflects unhappiness. If you are thinking these things, you are attracting more of it to you, and guess what? You are right: your life is complicated.

Most of us resist the belief that life is easy. According to, resistance means, "the action of opposing something that you disapprove or disagree with."Maybe you don't really disapprove or disagree that life is easy, but you don't believe that it is, based on your experiences. Unfortunately, a lot of people haven't had the life they want because they resist change.

People continue to struggle because they keep doing the same things over and over and EXPECT different results. How can you get a different result if you do the same thing all the time? If you want something different, think and act differently! Start changing the way you look at your life. When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at CHANGE!

YOUR life is only as difficult and miserable as you BELIEVE it to be.We are very used to our every day routine. We get very desensitized to issues that don't belong to us or in our environment. We don't pay attention, and then, we get used to it. Abraham Hicks calls them, "Vibrational indicators." If we can identify these indicators, we can change them. For example, when we feel physical discomfort, we need pay attention, find the indicators (emotional) and embrace (bless) it.

Last night I couldn't sleep because I had a very intense pain in my back teeth and gums. I tried to concentrate on feeling better, sending good energy and blessings to my teeth. I know, it takes a lot of effort not to focus on very intense pain. I really believe that if we have physical pain or we are sick, it is a consequence of an emotional imbalance. I meditated and cleaned my chakras last night. I filled my mind with my affirmations "I'm feeling good, I'm very healthy, I can heal my body." My pain almost disappeared and I could sleep. Now I'm feeling much better, but I'm still focusing my mind on feeling healthy and happy.

If you are saying things like, "I don't feel good. I'm not happy with my life. I'm tired of trying. I'm lonely because I'm not in a relationship," then you need to attend to it. You are not happy. You are not LIVING; life is to be happy. You are feeling emptiness in your life. Emptiness is the absence of alignment. You need to get into the vortex right now. The first step to break your resistance is making positive statements or affirmations: "My life is very easy, I'm very happy today, I'm in a very happy relationship, My life is full of love..." Everything starts with the words you have in your mind and come from your mouth.

When I'm not in the vortex, I have my personal "vibrational indicator": my daughter! She asks me, "Do you need new batteries mami? I can give you new ones." She invites me to dance her own "happy dance." Remember, if you are happy NOW you can get everything you want and LIVE your life!

Do you need new batteries?

Patricia Anaya, creator of [] has a passion for creating projects that help people, especially women and children. " opens up a lot of possibilities to touch women's lives and help them to improve self-esteem." She's also passionate about offering the very best in content and commentary, humor and high-quality merchandise that supports's signature motto, Love Yourself! Tell the World, I'm Pretty, Sexy and Smart!

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