What Was God's Purpose for Creating the Family

God'south Three Purposes for Matrimony

  • Don & Sally Meredith for Two Becoming I
  • 2003 sixteen Apr
God's Three Purposes for Marriage

When it comes to spousal relationship, many Christians believe if they go to a skilful church, have a spousal relationship enrichment course and occasionally read marriage books, they will have a potent union.  Their focus for what the purpose of wedlock is tends to be on solving tactical trouble areas such every bit communication, sexual practice and finances.  Withal, in His Word, God provides strategic purposes for Christian wedlock that are vitally of import for all to know.

The Fall of Satan and Your Wedlock

God's purposes for marriage are related to the fall of Satan.  The original oneness and harmony of eternity by was a wonderful reflection of God'due south paradigm in all of creation. The angels, beings created by God, depended entirely on Him and were completely i with God and His volition. Simply Satan's pride and fall became a threat to this oneness. The most beautiful angel of God'south creation decided that he did not need God. Since and then Satan has challenged God'south will and purposes continually.

The creation of the globe and Adam and Eve was not simply an afterthought of God's, but a response to Satan'due south challenge. Information technology demonstrated to all of creation, that only complete dependence on God results in true life. Adam and Eve, and every person who followed, has a tremendous pale in God's plan and purpose for man.

In this context, God gives three mandates for Christian wedlock: to reverberate, reign, and reproduce. And, because of the importance of these purposes, Satan works hard to keep Christians from accomplishing them.  Let'due south wait further at these purposes.

1.  Reflect God's Image

Christian marriages are to reverberate God'due south paradigm:

And then God said, "Allow us make homo in our image, in our likeness, and allow them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move forth the ground. So, God created man in his own paradigm, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them." Genesis 1:26-27

Discover the emphasis on "paradigm" and "likeness."  God creates "them" as a unit to reverberate Him. It takes both a human and adult female, in oneness, to truly reflect His image.  When nosotros criticize our spouse, or foster division and competition, we are actually reflecting the disunity of Satan and dishonoring God.  On the other hand, when we recognize our purpose is to reverberate the image of God, nosotros are bedevilled by Holy Spirit when we don't meet that standard and protected from hardening our hearts toward 1 another.

2. Reproduce Children in God's Likeness

God's second purpose for matrimony is to reproduce:

God blessed them and said to them, "Exist fruitful and increase in
; fill the earth and subdue information technology."  Genesis 1:28a

God wants married couples to reproduce children – in His "likeness." Couples who are competitive, aroused and divided, are non fully able to nurture children in God'due south paradigm. Why? In gild to teach children the principles of agape dear, godly discipline, and proficient morals, it must first exist modeled by parents. Words are not enough! Equally parents puts aside their innate selfishness and trust God to meet their needs, lilliputian disagreements fade in comparison to their love for their children.  The Christian couple who does not accept children tin can fulfill this purpose by making others disciples of Jesus Christ.

iii.   Reign in Spiritual Warfare

The third purpose for matrimony is to reign:

God blessed them and said to them, "Be fruitful and increase in
number; fill the earth and subdue it."  Genesis 1:28a

We are to be stewards of the physical resources entrusted to us and we must do our share in the spiritual realm.  A spiritual battle goes on in every heart. Only equally couples come together in unity and oneness volition the enemy of our souls exist defeated. Just as the Godhead represents perfect unity and is a forcefulness for God'southward will in His universe, the Christian couple is to pray and discern God'southward will in all situations.

Ii Becoming One

To attain God's purposes for your marriage – to reflect, reproduce and reign together – you must exist at one with your spouse and with God. Oneness happens as a result of believing that God has uniquely placed y'all together in understanding with God's will and with each other. The applied results are cooperation, unity and encouragement.

In Ephesians 6:12, we learn, "… our struggle is not against flesh and blood, only against the…spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms."  Practically, our struggle is not against our spouse only against Satan who wants us to believe that our spouse is the problem. Nosotros must acquire to keep our optics on Jesus Christ and not on people.

If yous are a Christian couple because marriage, who take been married for a while, or whose union is in trouble, God can make the nigh out of your situation.  Just turn to His Discussion and follow His plan for your union.

© 2003 Christian Family Life

2 Condign One publications and small group resources assist couples understand God'south purposes, principles and provisions for marriage.  Many key concepts in Two Becoming One are taught in the pop FamilyLife Ministry building marriage seminars.

If God created marriage, can He make information technology work?  Click here to purchase Two Becoming One, past Don and Sally Meredith.  You lot'll learn the five reasons why marriages fail, how to overcome trials and much more.  (A workbook for small groups or self written report is besides available.)

Costless - Would yous like encouragement for your matrimony?  Click here to savour the 2 Becoming I email devotional.  Receive a weekly email with principles and scriptures that will improve your spousal relationship.


Source: https://www.crosswalk.com/family/marriage/gods-three-purposes-for-marriage-1195763.html

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